You want to grow spiritually.
But you feel like you’re missing something.
You’re in a group.
You go to church most Sundays.
But you just don’t know what you can do to make your relationship with God deeper.
Connect with God was designed to help.
All of us have seasons where we want to grow deeper in our relationship with God but something holds us back. At times it’s the busyness of life. Other times is a challenging season of life. For some of us, we’ve tried connecting with God, but we didn’t see immediate results. Others of us have questioned how to even begin.
We believe that God desires a relationship with each one of us. What could that look like? What practices can we put in place to make time with God a priority in the midst of our busy lives?
Connect with God gives you resources to help you take practical next steps to connect with God.
How to Use This Study:
Watch the Connect With God message from Clay Scroggins with your group.
Discuss how you can support and encourage one another as you explore spiritual practices by using the discussion guide provided.
Decide which spiritual practice you want to practice and explore the resources provided for that practice.
Start exploring your chosen practice between group meetings.
Watch the Video
Start a New Spiritual Practice
To keep things simple, we've divided spiritual practices in two categories:
Practices of Engagement involve doing new things that will draw you closer to God.
Practices of Restraint involve stopping some of the things you’re currently doing, either temporarily or permanently, in order to draw you closer to God.
We believe Reading the Bible, Praying, and Building Community with other believers are core practices of spiritual growth that all Christians should always be actively practicing. If one of these core are not part of your current routine, we’d highly recommend you begin here. Once you have gone through the core practices, we recommend exploring some of the additional practices.
Click a category below to start exploring!