Nine Month Plan

Use these studies to guide your group for the next nine months.

Month 1


3 Questions Everyone Has about God

We all have a picture of who we think God is. These pictures and beliefs have been shaped by things we have learned and experienced along the way. But what if you have been given an inaccurate picture of who God really is?

Month 2


What God Is Really Like

What you think about when you think about God is more important than you would ever know. And getting life right is way harder when you’ve got God wrong.

Month 3

The Bible for Grown-Ups

Most of us know some Bible stories, but very few of us know the story of the Bible. And it may be surprising to discover it’s a story that doesn’t actually begin in the beginning. It begins with the accounts of a few men who sat down to record the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Month 4

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What we believe about ourselves shapes our identities. Unfortunately, there are a number of false beliefs we’re carrying around. Not only do those false beliefs impact how we view ourselves, they also rob us of a more fulfilling life.

Month 5

Connect with God

We’ve all heard stories of people—or we know people—who have what appears to be unshakable faith. They have a confidence in God that informs what they do. Where does faith like that come from?

Month 6

One Another

We’re using more words than ever before, and we’re thinking less about them than ever before. That's cause for concern because our words can either build someone up or tear them down.

Month 7

Tensions between Faith and Culture

It’s no secret that there can be tension between what our faith teaches us and what we see in culture. What do you do when faith and culture are at odds? It’s easy to distance ourselves from culture or to be overly critical. But Jesus modeled a better way.

Month 8

Grown-Up Prayers

As children, many of us were taught to say our prayers. As we get older, we wonder, why should I pray? How should I pray? Does praying even work? Those questions deserve grown-up answers.

Month 9


Out of the Shallows

No one strives to be shallow. We all want something real and relationships with depth. But how do we grow deeper spiritually? The journey starts with a step that each of us can only take for ourselves.