Fun With Story Cards

Story Cards are a great way to help people share about their lives and spiritual journeys. Using photographs as a storytelling tool can draw your group into deeper reflection and more meaningful conversations.

But you don't always have to go deep with Story Cards. You can also use them as a fun ice-breaker at the beginning of any group meeting. It all depends on what kind of question you ask.

Here's all you have to do:

  1. Spread the Story Cards out in the middle of the room so people can see them when they first walk in.

  2. Ask each person to pick a card that captures their response to one of the questions that follows.

  3. Go around the room and have everyone share why they picked the card they did.

Here are some options you can use when you want the conversation to be fun:

  • Pick a card that represents your favorite vacation.

  • Pick a card that represents your reaction to the last movie you saw or book you read.

  • Pick a card that represents how you like to spend a lazy weekend.

  • Pick a card that represents your memories of childhood.

  • Pick a card that represents a major goal you've achieved.

  • Pick a card that represents the most dangerous thing you've ever done.

  • Pick a card that represents your personality.

  • Pick a card that represents how you feel right now.

  • Pick a card that represents your favorite subject in school.

  • Pick a card that represents your least favorite subject in school.

Be creative. Ask questions that will help people connect with one another and have a few laughs.