Everyday Evangelism


Everyday Evangelism

North Point Groups

Featuring Tim Cooper

What if sharing your faith wasn’t something you did, but a way you lived. . . every day?

This 3-part study helps us understand what it looks like to be a Christian and share our faith in today's culture. Take a look at the most important part of evangelism and the Five Thresholds of Faith. 


Part 1

Discuss tensions associated with sharing our faith and learn the importance of method over message.

Part 2

Explore the Five Thresholds of Faith and understand how they apply to the people around you.

Part 3

Consider how God could use you to impact someone in your circle of influence and determine your next step.

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Five Thresholds taken from I Once Was Lost by Don Everts and Doug Schaupp. ©2008 by Don Everts and Doug Schaupp. Used by permission of InterVarsity Press, P.O. Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515-1426. www.ivpress.com