State of Your Marriage

State of Your Marriage

Regularly talking about what’s going on between you and your spouse is one of the best things you can do for your marriage. Most married people operate under the assumption that no news is good news. They think that if their spouse were struggling in some area of the marriage, they’d know about it. But that’s not necessarily the case. What you’re experiencing in your marriage right now may differ significantly from what your spouse is experiencing. If that’s the case, you need to know about it.

That's why we created this State of Your Marriage resource.

State of Your Marriage Is a One-Week Resource for Married Groups.

To Use State of Your Marriage in your group:

Step 1:

Download the Discussion Guide.

Step 2:

Read the Introduction to your group.

Step 3:

Discuss the three questions in the Discussion Guide.

Step 4:

Pray for the remainder of your group time.

Step 5:

Encourage the couples in your group to discuss the "For the Ride Home" questions one-on-one, and then follow through on the exercise in the Discussion Guide.

NOTE: It's a good idea for your group to revisit State of Your Marriage every six to eight months.