(7) Seven Questions That Rattle in the Minds of Most Men

(7) Seven Questions That Rattle in the Minds of Most Men

John Woodall

7-Session Video Curriculum

Sometimes it seems as though everyone wants something from you; your wife, your kids, your boss, and maybe even God. The pressures of manhood can be enormous, and they're only intensified by the mixed messages you receive from culture. 

(7) is a small group experience that enables you to explore God's design for manhood by tackling seven questions that rattle in the minds of most men; questions like What's my story? Who can I trust? and What about women?

Leader Resources

Completing This Study as a Group

  1. Download the (7) Guide. Each person should have his or her own copy of the guide.

  2. Watch the videos online.

  3. Discuss the video as a group using the (7) Guide.

General Leader Tips

If you find yourself as the lead facilitator of the discussion questions, here are three things to consider:


It is the ideas of everyone in the group that make a group meeting successful. Your role as the leader is to create an environment in which people feel safe to share their thoughts.


While you want to leave space for group members to think through the discussion, make sure the conversation is contributing to the topic being discussed that session. Don’t let it veer off on tangents. Go with the flow, but be ready to nudge the conversation in the right direction when necessary.


This is the most important thing you can do as a leader and as a group. Pray that God is not only present at your group meetings, but that he is directing them.

Leader Videos

Thank you for leading (7) and for being a part of helping men experience community.

To help you lead effectively and make the most of every group meeting, John Woodall has put together these weekly leader tools.

Other Resources

Additional Resources for Session 6 Session 6: What About Women? can be challenging for a lot of men. We've put together a list of resources for those looking for some more intensive help in this area.

Life Map Exercise This is a great tool for better understanding your story. It helps you to identify the high, low, and in-between points in your life and to think through the significance of those events in your story.

The Qualities and Responsibilities of a (7) Leader This printable card is a helpful reminder of what you bring to your group each session. Thank you again for serving other men.